Apr 03, 2020 · For customers who connect their remote worker devices to the corporate network or cloud infrastructure over VPN, Microsoft recommends that the key Office 365 scenarios Microsoft Teams, SharePoint Online and Exchange Online are routed over a VPN split tunnel configuration. This becomes especially important as the first line strategy to facilitate continued employee productivity during large scale work-from-home events such as the COVID-19 crisis.

Split Tunneling is a feature that allows you to exclude applications or certain IP addresses from being routed through the VPN tunnel. Since this feature is new to our services, feel free to report any bugs and issues that you encounter to our support team here. Apr 15, 2020 · Dynamic Split Tunneling analytics is also supported in CESA. Scenario 2: Already have split tunneling, but need better security monitoring & traffic optimization . For networks that have already implemented split tunneling, many are looking to: a) make sure there isn’t sensitive traffic in the split tunnel that shouldn’t be; b) see what eduardo munoz Split tunneling is a computer networking concept which allows a VPN user to access a public network (e.g., the Internet) and a local LAN or WAN at the same time, using the same physical network connection. The usual "split tunnel" is about routing only IP packets with certain destination addresses through a VPN. This route selection depending on the destiation address is easy. That's what routing tables are for. And this is easy to setup using WireGuard via the AllowedIPs settings. The split tunneling is used to prevent the NetScaler Gateway Plug-in from sending unnecessary network traffic to NetScaler Gateway. When connected to VPN, sending all user device originating traffic, including Internet traffic, through VPN tunnel might not be desirable in most cases. (split tun´&l-ing) (n.) The process of allowing a remote VPN user to access a public network, most commonly the Internet, at the same time that the user is allowed to access resources on the VPN. This method of network access enables the user to access remote devices, such as a networked printer, at the same time as accessing the public network.

Apr 15, 2020 · Dynamic Split Tunneling analytics is also supported in CESA. Scenario 2: Already have split tunneling, but need better security monitoring & traffic optimization . For networks that have already implemented split tunneling, many are looking to: a) make sure there isn’t sensitive traffic in the split tunnel that shouldn’t be; b) see what

Split Tunneling is a VPN feature that allows users to direct a portion of their internet traffic through an encrypted virtual private network while leaving the rest to be routed through a separate tunnel on the open network. It’s an advanced feature with specific uses that we’ll cover in detail here. Split tunneling In a VPN connection, split tunneling is the practice of routing only some traffic over the VPN, while letting other traffic directly access the Internet. Usually, what is routed over the VPN will be traffic destined for internal resources, while web surfing, email, skype, etc. will go directly to the Internet.

Source(s):NIST SP 800-113under Split Tunneling The process of allowing a remote user or device to establish a non-remote connection with a system and simultaneously communicate via some other connection to a resource in an external network.

Jun 19, 2020 · Split Tunneling Enabling split-tunneling reduces traffic on corporate networks, increases speed through reduced latency for specific tasks and grants privacy to end users. These key capabilities, primarily traffic reduction and internal networks, lead most organizations to turn on split tunneling when they set up their virtual private networks. Source(s):NIST SP 800-113under Split Tunneling The process of allowing a remote user or device to establish a non-remote connection with a system and simultaneously communicate via some other connection to a resource in an external network.